Scandinavian duo INVADER ACE consists of ANTON TOORELL (SE) on guitar and vocals and PEDER SIMONSEN (NO) on tuba and drum machines. Instead of using computers or synths to produce dance music, the band built a custom rig of cheap diy-electronics and a wall of old radios used as amplifiers. INVADER ACE are like audio recyclers, creating new contexts for their instruments to function in. Their music has been described like a mix of MR. OIZO and NISEENMONDAI, as a noisier version of BATTLES and DAFT PUNK‘s teenage demos. Over the last years Invader Ace has released four Eps and several remixes, and played everywhere from art museums to techno clubs.


Dammit I'm Mad - Dammit I'm Mad


Bror Forsgren - Narcissus